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Spiritual Poetry
The Feast of
The Holy Cross
Spiritual Poem 1
The Cross contains our life
And our sole solace:
Therein lies the only road that leads
To Paradise!
Upon the Cross is found the Lord
Of earth and heaven,
And perfect joy of peace profound
—(Though war be waging
From all the ills this mortal exile holds)—
Lies in its limits,
And by the Cross alone it is we wend
Our way to heaven.
’Twas of the Cross the bride declared
To her Beloved
That it was like the stately palm
Which she ascended.
The very God of heaven Himself
Its fruit had tasted,
And by the Cross alone we wend our way
And march and climb to heaven.
’Tis like a tree of leafy-green—
The Bride’s delection,
Who sat her down to rest herself
Beneath its shadow,
That she might joy in her Beloved,
The King of glory—
And by its means alone we wend
Our way to heaven.
In sight like a precious olive
—The holy Cross—
With its blest oil of unction does anoint
And does illumine.
Then, O my soul embrace the Cross with
Joy and gladness,
For it is the only road whereby
We reach to heaven!
The soul which to its God has been
abandoned wholly,
Being within its heart of hearts detached
From all things earthly,
Finds in the Cross the Tree of Life
And of all solace,
And a delightsome path whereby
It wends its way to heaven.
For since upon the Cross the Savior
has freely rested,
It has become the source of glory
And of honor.
In suffering it becomes our life,
Our consolation,
And it is the safest way whereby
To wend to heaven.
Then let us journey on to Paradise,
O friend of Christ!
Let us with eagerness embrace the Cross
And follow Jesus.
For it is our way,
our light whereby to guide us,
Which in itself contains all consolation.
If dearer than the light of your eyes,
You keep your commitment to Christ and
Seek first the Kingdom,
It will save you
from a thousand grievous ills—
Of trials and afflictions
that beset many in the world.
Your obedience to the will of God,
Although it be a very lofty science,
Never will allow you to do evil
If you resist it not—from which
May the great God of heaven
ever preserve you.
Your practice of chastity and purity,
Observe with the most watchful vigilance:
Seek God alone,
And keep yourselves in solitude with Him,
Regardless of the world
O friend of Christ!
What men call poverty or having nothing,
Or having something,
but being poor in spirit,
If accepted or embraced
with holy faith and true detachment,
Contains great riches
of heavenly and spiritual manna,
And opens the Gate of Heaven
to our coming
Both in prayer and when we’re there
after dying.
If we practice these,
O friend of Christ!
Out of charity,
We shall win victory
In all our spiritual combats,
And in the end shall rest with Him
Who has created earth and heaven.
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